Sunday 18 March 2012

Feeding Habits No. 2!

Feeding Habits 2 features 3 sets of wonder!

From Wellington the profound and prolific performer, musician, artist and activist Gerard Crewdson - Mr Basketcase himself! Gerard will present a new story with music which will also be published in the Feeding Habits 2 Zine.

Future Hotel is Stephen Bain and Nisha Madhan - theatre makers, street performers, performance artists, curators, instigators...two vital and impassioned artists who are presenting an exploration into intimate questions...

and Da Buzzy Beez...Queen Bee Hermione Johnbee, King Beez Colin Woodsbee, Joshua Rutterbee, Andrew McMillbee and Jeff Henderbee play electronic can dance if you wanna.

Plus the release of the Feeding Habits No. 2 Zine featuring graphic scores, thought provoking finds and art by Gerard Crewdson.

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